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Vision Optics DayVue BioMoist (30 lenses)

The BioMoist formula is a hudrating solution that mimics the natural tear film of eye. So, provides a soft, silky feel wich helps to optimise comfort upon initial insertion of the lens. The specially formulated BioMoist solution releases moisture when it is needed most, resulting in superior comfort throughout the entire day.

14,90 €

Vision Optics DayVue BioMoist (90 lenses)

The BioMoist formula is a hudrating solution that mimics the natural tear film of eye. So, provides a soft, silky feel wich helps to optimise comfort upon initial insertion of the lens. The specially formulated BioMoist solution releases moisture when it is needed most, resulting in superior comfort throughout the entire day.

44,90 €

Biotrue One Day (30 lenses)

Nature created the human eye to be moist. Biotrue ONE day lenses have been designed to work just as your own eyes do. In doing so, Biotrue ONEday lenses means optimal wearing comfort throughout the day.

18,90 €

Bausch & Lomb Biotrue One Day Φακοί Μυωπίας Ημερήσιοι 90τμχ

Οι φακοί Biotrue ONEday, κατασκευασμένοι από το νέο υλικό HyperGel, έχουν σχεδιαστεί για να λειτουργούν όπως τα μάτια σας, για άνετη όραση όλη την ημέρα. Αυτό το επαναστατικό νέο υλικό φακού είναι εμπνευσμένο από τη βιολογία του ματιού: έχει την ίδια περιεκτικότητα σε νερό, όπως του κερατοειδή και επιτρέπει το οξυγόνο να ρέει ελεύθερα μέσα από το φακό.

49,90 €

Bausch & Lomb ULTRA One Day (30 lenses)

These contact lenses are an excellent choice for people who suffer from dry eyes. These disposable contact lenses provide high water content and retains 96% of the moisture for 16 hours thus ensure long-lasting hydration and comfort.

34,90 €

Bausch & Lomb ULTRA One Day (90 lenses)

These contact lenses are an excellent choice for people who suffer from dry eyes. These disposable contact lenses provide high water content and retains 96% of the moisture for 16 hours thus ensure long-lasting hydration and comfort.

84,90 €

Alcon Dailies Aqua Comfort Plus (30 lenses)

Dailies AquaComfort Plus contact lenses are ideal for even the most sensitive and the driest of eyes. Their blink-activated moisture technology ensures that moisture is released onto your eyes every time you blink preventing eye dryness. Furthermore, their ultra-slim design makes them so easy to put in and take out.

16,90 €

Alcon Dailies Aqua Comfort Plus (90 lenses)

Dailies AquaComfort Plus contact lenses are ideal for even the most sensitive and the driest of eyes. Their blink-activated moisture technology ensures that moisture is released onto your eyes every time you blink preventing eye dryness. Furthermore, their ultra-slim design makes them so easy to put in and take out.

47,90 €

Alcon Precision 1 (30 lenses)

ALCON Precision 1 Daily Lenses offer high oxygen permeability and high-water content (greater than 80%). This results in them being extremely comfortable to use.

26,90 €

Alcon Precision 1 Φακοί Μυωπίας Ημερήσιοι 90τμχ

Οι ημερήσιοι φακοί Precision 1 της ALCON προσφέρουν υψηλή διαπερατότητα οξυγόνου και υψηλή περιεκτικότητα σε νερό (μεγαλύτερη από 80%). Αυτό έχει ως αποτέλεσμα να είναι εξαιρετικά άνετοι στη χρήση.

75,90 €

Alcon Dailies Total 1 (30 lenses)

Dailies total make you feel as though you are not even wearing lenses while still providing exceptional vision. It is the first and only daily disposable contact lens to offer water gradient technology, so all that touches your eye is a cushion of moisture.

29,90 €

Alcon Dailies Total 1 Φακοί Μυωπίας Ημερήσιοι 90τμχ

Νιώστε σαν να μη φοράτε τίποτα στο μάτι σας. Είναι ο πρώτος και μοναδικός καθημερινός μίας χρήσης φακός επαφής που προσφέρει τεχνολογία διαβάθμισης νερού έτσι ώστε ό,τι αγγίζει τα μάτια σας είναι μόνο ένα μαξιλάρι υγρασίας.

81,90 €