Οι φακοί επαφής 1-Day Acuvue Moist είναι ημερήσιοι φακοί μίας χρήσης από την Johnson & Johnson και παράγονται με την αποκλειστική τεχνολογία Lacreon, η οποία ενσωματώνει μια λιπαντική ουσία απευθείας στους φακούς.
Οι ημερήσιοι φακοί επαφής Σιλικόνης Υδρογέλης Acuvue Oasys 1-Day της Johnson & Johnson κατασκευάζονται με την τεχνολογία HydraLuxe η οποία εξασφαλίζει άνεση και ενυδάτωση κατά τη διάρκεια όλης της ημέρας.
Acuvue Oasys (6 lenses) Two-week contact lenses for daily use by Johnson & Johnson. ACUVUE OASYS contact lenses with HYDRACLEAR PLUS technology reduce the feeling of tired eyes, the feeling of dryness and retain the moisture of the eyes. All ACUVUE contact lenses provide protection against UV radiation, blocking more than 98% of UVB rays and 85% of the sun's UVA rays
1 Day Acuvue Moist contact lenses are daily disposable lenses from Johnson & Johnson manufactured using exclusive Lacreon technology which retains moisture on the lenses keeping them hydrated as it incorporates an embedded moisture agent. These lenses are ideal for those who suffer from dryness or irritation of the eye.
Acuvue Oasys 1-Day Silicone Hydrogel daily disposable contact lenses by Johnson & Johnson are manufactured with HydraLuxe technology which ensures comfort and hydration throughout the day.
• Your order of Multifocal Lenses requires 21 days. 1 DAY Acuvue Moist Multifocal are daily multifocal contact lenses designed to correct presbyopia. Due to the unique LACREON technology, they have a high comfort level and a feeling of freshness and hydration throughout the entire day.
• Your order of Toric Lenses requires 21 days. 1 Day Acuvue Moist for Astigmatism Contact Lenses - These extremely comfortable Toric Lenses, especially designed to correct the effects of astigmatism, guarantee that your eyes remain moist and fresh throughout use, ensuring clear vision all day. The LACREON technology with its embedded moisture- retaining agent renders it unable to be rubbed away.
• Your order of Toric Lenses requires 21 days. Acuvue Oasys 1-DAY for astigmatism are Silicone - Hydrogel contact lenses from Johnson & Johnson. The patented HydraLuxe technology prevents the eyes from drying out and keeps them comfortable throughout the day.They also have a high-tech UV filter for extra protection from UVA and UVB rays.
• Your order of Toric Lenses requires 21 days. Acuvue Oasys contact lenses for astigmatism are characterized by high oxygen permeability and are designed for 15 days of use. They are made of silicone-hydrogel for better oxygenation and protect from UV rays. Material: Senofilcon A Silicone-Hydrogel